Hello Flourishing
Our work can enliven or deaden us a bit each day. Which will it be for you and your team?
The number of hours we spend working over a lifetime is astounding. You can unlock more potential in all those hours by tapping into resources such as positive connection, compassion, courage, and curiosity.
We connect you to the science of Positive Organizational Scholarship, supporting you to foster flourishing inside your organization. The tools we offer have been developed by some of the world’s most respected scholars.
Tested and proven through extensive research, these ideas can be used by leaders, individuals, or teams. Join us and bring new life to your organization!
Compassion is the quiet power that elevates people and organizations. The new book Awakening Compassion at Work by EnlivenWork scholars Monica Worline and Jane Dutton opens our eyes to the importance of compassion for innovation, service quality, adaptability, retention, and more. Let our team show you how to amplify compassion in your organization.

Seeing through others’ eyes who you are at your best will help you live from this powerful place daily. Grow further into your best self, both at work and in life, with the Reflected Best Self Exercise™.
It’s a memorable experience for leaders, employees, and teams of any size who want to leverage their strengths and flourish at work.
You can enrich your questions, thinking, and collaborations in
ways you may have never imagined. Harness your curiosity and
learn how to think and communicate at your best – a critical
skillset that increases organizational and career potential.